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Teqtron's API-led Integration

The API led Integration solution is an API based approach to Teqtron’s B2B Sales Order Automation solution which automates the different processes of the Sales Order fulfillment Cycle. The architecture of the integration APIs are designed considering the ease with which new customers can be onboarded. This solution is compatible with Teqtron’s B2B SO automation User Interface and all the features of the UI including the IAM module are available as part of the solution. It has been built keeping scalability in mind and the APIs can be configured with API policies based on business requirements.

Standard Architecture

The standard API led B2B solution caters to multiple file formats such as EDI, JSON, XML and flat files for multiple transaction sets. The microservices based architecture allows the solution to tend to a large number of files independently.



Solution Overview

  • The integration solution outlined comprises several key steps ensuring efficient data retrieval, transmission, processing, and security. Firstly, the system deploys API endpoints for both retrieving and posting data, supporting various formats and sources like SFTP or FTP servers. This facilitates seamless integration with different systems, including SAP.
  • Secondly, to guarantee timely processing and enhanced efficiency, the system employs interval frequency checks to detect new files and supports parallel processing. This ensures that data is promptly processed upon availability, optimizing throughput.
  • Security is prioritized throughout the integration process. Secure authentication mechanisms are implemented for accessing API endpoints, and TLS protocols encrypt communication between clients and servers, safeguarding data integrity and confidentiality. Secure cookie handling and data encryption further fortify the system against unauthorized access and interception, mitigating risks associated with cookie-based attacks.
  • Additionally, the solution leverages a microservices architecture for scalability, enabling concurrent processing through different microservices. Key functionalities such as file handling are seamlessly integrated, ensuring streamlined operations and facilitating the systematic movement of files to destination folders based on processing status. Overall, these comprehensive security measures and architectural choices ensure data integrity, confidentiality, and scalability throughout the integration process.

Why Teqtron’s B2B API-led Integration solution?

API based approach

The API based approach for this solution makes it easy to host in any environment and since the APIs are built using microservice architecture, application maintenance is easier.

Data Security and Traffic Management

The API based approach allows for adding policies which aids with data security when transferring data between trading partners and can also be configured to assist with traffic management in terms of request timeout and maximum calls to the API in a defined interval.

User Interface

The User Interface provides a tabular representation of data which can be filtered based on multiple criterias such as customers, date range, current status etc. It also provides the ability to edit the data, approve or reject documents which defies a business rule.

Controlled Access to Data

The user interface comes with an extensive IAM module which can be used to manage access to data for team members based on transaction sets and customers.

Caters to bidirectional flow of data to and from customers

Teqtron’s B2B solution caters to both inbound and outbound transactional data for all transaction sets.

See how Teqtron's API-led Integration can power your organization

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